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Internal road in IP:

Hot asphalt concrete road. The street right-of-way line of internal way is 15-36m

Power supply systems:

Ben Luc Power Branch provides capacity of Ben Luc transformer station 110 / 22kV, 65MVA.

In 2016, Phuc Long Power Station has provided 126 MVA for Phuc Long IP and surrounding areas.

Water supply system:

Water pipes in the industrial park of VCPVC from Φ 100 to Φ 200. Quality of clean water meets QCVN 02: 2009 / BYT. The total capacity of factories will reach 57,200 m3 / day and night, including:

  • Gò Go Den water plant, capacity of 7,200 m3 / day.
  • Nhi Thanh water plant, capacity of 60,000 m3 / day (Phase 1 is 30,000 m3 / day).

Wastewater treatment systems:

Investors treat wastewater to standard B, QCVN 40: 2011 / BTNMT according to regulations about Environmental Management of Phuc Long Industrial Park before discharging into the wastewater treatment system of industrial park. After treatment at plant of IP achieves standard A, QCVN 40: 2011 / BTNMT, water is discharged into the Chanh canal and Vam Co River.

The capacity of wastewater treatment plant: 12.000m3 / day/ night.

  • 1st stage: 1.300m3/ day/ night plant has already operated and permitted to let out wastewater by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Long An province.
  • 2nd Stage: 3.900m3 /day&night will be invested when Phase 1 operates at full capacity.

In addition, Phuc Long Industrial Park installs an automatic stations for checking the quality of treated water

Rain-water drainage systems:

Rain-water drainage system separated with sewerage systems, specialized sewers Φ 300 - Φ 600 are arranged along the roads, water runs to the end of the industrial park and goes out Chanh canal.

Hydrography of Vam Co River : the water level rises + 1.4m in October every year. Altitude of the IP + 2.3m => Phuc Long Industrial Zone ensures not flooded.

Fire protection systems:

Fire-extinguishing post systems with distance of 120m - 150m / post.

Storable tank with 500m3 located in the leasing factory.

Firefighting car is far away 3km from industrial park.

Communication System:

VNPT Telecommunications Company invested underground cable systems, provided 1000 numbers, ADSL, telecommunications, etc for Phuc Long Industrial Park.


Phuc Long Co. plants trees along the pavement of internal road. Planting flowers, grass, pot plants in public areas.

Environmental sanitation:

Every day, the car of Ben Luc Urban Environment will collect household waste and industrial waste. Hazardous solid waste will be collected by specialized agency at the factories.


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